
Monday, 10 June 2013

the farm


Finally able to get into town to an internet cafe! Things have been going well - I´ve spent the last week and a bit at a farm outside Mindo and Nancy has been in Quito starting her elective.

The farm has many animals and it´s been great learning how to take care of them! Though it is quite different than we would take care of them in Canada, just due to the different climate and what predators are around. For example, at the farm, the chickens aren´t locked up in a secure coop at night, which would cost you half your flock back home. There just aren´t any predators for the chickens here.

At the farm there are about 100 chickens and watching them run towards us when we bring the feed down cracks me up every time, two very stoic llamas (pictures to come!) 7 sheep, 2 baby lambs that were born just yesterday, 11 goats and baby goats including one mischevious orphaned baby goat named Jackson who I bottle feed everyday, 6 pigs, 2 cats and 2 dogs. The billy goat is named Marcus and he gets quite riled up sometimes, and has left several bruises on my legs from his horns, but I think I have perfected my strategy in wrestling with him. There are two other volunteers, Patrick and Joel, from England, and we go on afternoon and night adventures together around the property. I also saw a possum in the compost pile! I recorded a video of him, and we named him Petros.

Anyways, my hour is up at the cafe and so Patrick and I are going to go get some chocolate from the chocolate factory. I will be back on the computer on Thursday and I will give more updates then.

I love you guys!

Two llamas and some sheep

Jackson on the left and some of the other goats, and chickens

They pecked at our legs if we didn´t feed them quickly

A pig face

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