
Thursday, 13 June 2013



I just left the farm this morning. Joel, another volunteer, and I, left the farm after some coffee and bread, at 6:30AM, to start the four hour hike to Mindo. We saw a few green parrots and cattle egret along the way. He went back to the farm after lunch and I booked into a hostel for the weekend, the same one Nancy and I stayed at before because it was quite nice.

If you would like to see photos of the trip so far, you can find them if you click the Photos tab at the top of the blog page.

Now that I have left the farm, I am missing the animals, especially Jackson the goat, like I knew I would. But he has many and will gain many new friends on the farm, and I will gain many fun adventures off the farm in the next two weeks. It was a really interesting look into sustainable farming in a latin american country and I learnt a lot of new skills such as how to farm mushrooms, how to build a dryer (for beans and grass, etc), how to use a jigsaw, and how to scratch a pig in the right spot so it doesn´t get overexcited and bite at you. The farm also gave me a lot to think about in terms of forestry, conservation and land/animal ownership. And I suppose that´s good when an experience leaves you with a lot to think about.

Nancy is coming to Mindo tomorrow and we are going to visit the Butterfly farm where you can see many different butterflies.

If anyone knows a very fast way to upload pictures to an online storage space, let me know, I´m struggling to find a webspace that uploads many, many photos quickly enough.

There are a lot of stray dogs around so it´s really cool to see awareness initiatives like this! The dog on the left is asking the other dog why spaying and neutering of pets is important, and the right dog is answering that it helps control stray populations.


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